Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reflection on sports day

I attend the school sports day on Friday. I found it very fun and interesting. Even though I didn't run, we had to cheer for our house. I think the most interesting part of the sports day was the part where we saw people race with each other. It was very exciting as we cheered. One of the uninteresting part was that we had to used up all our energy to cheered. It was very tiring. They could improve by arranging more activities for the students. I think engaging sports is important because it can improve our health. I will talk to them and encourage them to do sports. I will also engage more sports for the pupils.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The school gets the pupils to read because it lets the pupils to improve their languages. I like Reading comic and funny storybooks. I also like fiction books. I think reading will help me improve my school work because I can learn new words. The school can encourage the pupils to read by buying interesting books so that the pupils can borrow and read the books. The book I really like to read Horrible Science. The book is written by Nick Arnold. I wished that I will get more of this books.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Reflection on after school programs

I have to stay back in school for my extra lessons. I have IT special program on Monday, High Achiever on Tuesday and Robotics on Friday. I spend 3 days on this activities. I spend 2 hours on each activities. I was involved in this activities because I was choosen and I sign up for them. I think this activities are good for me as they can help me improve my knowlegde on things that I do not know. Sometimes this activities are efectting my work because i have very little time for my studies. I do fell stressed sometimes as I have alot of work to do. Some pupils which want to learn more should be involved in this activities while if pupils which do not want to stressed themselve should not take part in this activities.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

target Setting reflection

The targets setting is about setting your targets and achieving them. Yes. I think the target setting is very useful because when you set your targets, you know what to achieve and you would work hard. I can work hard to achieve my targets , read more books and learn the words in the books. My parents go trough my school and home work at home. The teachers can go trough our work and tell us the meaning of the words. That is my reflection of the target setting.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Total Defence Day

I will defend my school. It is my only place that I could study peacefully. I could defend my school by not spoiling the things needed in the school. Like the laptops, UMPC and etc. I should not scratch the tables and chairs. I should not litter in the canteen, parade square , the hall and anywhere else in the school. I should not pull out the plants from the gardens in the school. There are some flamemable items in the science lab that I should not touch. If I touch it, it may burst into flames and burn the school. I will follow what I said and protect the school.

Chinese New Year

It was Chinese New Year, 26 January 2009. It was the first day of Chinese New Year. I had to go to my grandmother's house to visit my relatives. It was packed with sardines. I played some games with my cousin. I had a great time at my grandmother's place and a enjoyable day. No, it was the second day of the New Year. I had to go to the temple with my grandfather this time. We had to pray to the gods. After that, I went to my grandfather place to eat lunch, usually every Sunday I would go to my grandfather's place to eat but it was a special meal today. We had a very special soup called "Buddha Jump Over The Wall". It was very tasty. I wish that the year would pass and have another Chinese New Year.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reflect on school mission, vison and values

Q1. Our school mission, vision and values are providing quality, education to equip with knowledge and skills for the 21st Centurym, a School of Distinction Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of Character and self-Discipline, Passion for Learning, Integrity, Courage, Excellence and Sincerity.

Q2. I find the school mission, vision and values for us to make a future-ready citizen.

Q3. I believe in the school values because they can help do well in school work.

Q4. Students sometime use the school values for some group work.

Q6. The teacher could engage learning journey for students.